La Cerisaie : guestrooms in Alsace
The Cerisaie B&B offers you 5 charming guestrooms labelled “Charmance”. Astrid will be delighted to install you in one of her rooms.
The Cerisaie B&B offers you 5 charming guestrooms labelled “Charmance”. Astrid will be delighted to install you in one of her rooms.
In the center of Alsace, on the outskirts of one of the most beautiful mountain-villages bordered by streams and privative forests, the Cerisaie on Breitenbach is a place of exceptional charm which offers you peace and serenity.
The “Cerisaie” (the Cherry Orchard), offers you 5 charming guestrooms and 2 lodgings labelled Gîtes de France”.
Excellent stay, the Cerisaie is a wonderful place to stay welcoming and very peaceful, ideal holiday.
Fantastic stay at la Cerisaie, Astrid is a wonderful host, and the house is comfortable and located in a beautiful place.
Think to offer a stay in the Cerisaie with our gift vouchers !
Astrid are ready to receive you with pleasure and she will make hour holiday unforgettable.
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